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ATCM Addressing violence at conference next week

The Association of Town and City management is holding their place management conference on 17th April 2018 and are focusing on Violence and Vulnerability as key topics which align with the objectives of the NBCC

There is more information below and at this link where bookings can also be made.


Recent years have felt like a regression for the town and city management industry. Many early partnerships successfully coalesced around keeping people and businesses safe, over time, allowing place managers to broaden their remit into driving local growth.
Fast forward to 2018 where growing demands on police resource, the evolving threat of terrorism, the menace of gang culture and the drugs market, homelessness and rough sleeping have led to a refocus of many ATCM members back to the fundamentals of keeping people safe. On the 17th April, in Central London, our Place Management Conference will focus on Violence and Vulnerability, and will include the industry’s most advanced debate in understanding how to respond to these critical challenges.
Violence and Vulnerability will include:
 • Findings from one of the UK’s most in-depth reviews of gang culture supported by ATCM, MOPAC and the Home Office.
  • The evolution of terrorism and the modern day threat to crowded places.
  • An exploration of social exclusion, its role in contributing to violence and vulnerability and insight into prevention measures.
  • Security v Liberty: A panel debate around balancing the aims of keeping a town centre attractive and open against keeping people safe, something at the heart of conversations around hostile vehicle mitigation.
 • Assessing the sensitivities around communicating to the general public why we need a change in behaviour in supporting the homeless, rough sleepers and street beggars.
We hoped to be joined by a Home Office Minister on the day.