Publicly accessible locations guidance
The threat we face from terrorism is significant. As we have seen in the UK and across Europe attacks can happen at any time and any place without warning.
Understanding the threat faced and the ways it can be mitigated can help keep everyone safer. Everyone can play a role in this effort by taking steps to help boost their protective security, whether at work, at home or away; whilst travelling, when out and about or when online. Having better security for all these areas makes it harder for terrorists to plan and carry out attacks. It also helps reduce the risk of other threats such as organised crime.
This document provides protective security advice in a number of sectors and scenarios. It has been developed through extensive research and analysis of previous incidents, and the assessment of current known threats. It covers the key forms of protective security: physical, personnel, cyber and personal, and helps give guidance on how different sectors can act to help make their businesses, institutions or organisations safer.
This guidance is primarily aimed at those in the security sector and those who own or run businesses, organisations, amenities or utilities. Some of the terminology may be unfamiliar to some readers. However, we hope the advice can also be of use to anyone who wishes to improve their own security. To deliver protective security effectively a security plan is essential along with a full risk assessment. It is important to identify an individual responsible for security and to identify what are the important assets, people, products, services, processes and information within an organisation. At that point, mitigation can be introduced to reduce vulnerabilities. A strong security culture must be supported and endorsed from a senior level.
Visit the Protect UK website to view the Publicly accessible locations guidance and other useful guidance for orgnisations to better proetct themselves and others.