Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces
The Safer Spaces scheme also known as Operation PORTUM is an overarching scheme that businesses can sign up to and support with the objective to collectively increase safe spaces in retail premises.
The NBCC, working in partnership with a number of national retailers including Tesco, has developed guidance and a step-by-step process to assist businesses in the planning, creating and implementation of a safe spaces scheme within their business.
If you would like to know more, or be part of Operation Portum, please contact us at contact@nbcc.police.uk
We know that when people feel vulnerable, they will look for places where they will feel safe, in our towns and cities this will often be recognisable shops or restaurants etc, irrespective if they are shown as a safe space or not. When this happens, we want to ensure that the colleagues who offer support are prepared to deal with the situation and understand what they should and shouldn’t do, which may put them, or your organisation, at risk. Here at the NBCC we have developed specific guidance, based upon best practice, of what should be done to support those who feel vulnerable.
Portum is Latin for haven, a place of safety, or refuge. Operation Portum is the name we have given to the initiative which encourages organisations to adopt the best practice, so creating a network of safe spaces to support our local communities.
Operation Portum is based around some simple guidelines, which are covered in the guidance and associated video and can be easily shared. If you want a copy of the video for your in house training, please let us know.
Please review the guidance and reassure yourself that your business has considered the areas highlighted and that your colleagues know what to do should they be approached by someone who feels vulnerable. Then just let us know.
All we ask is for a logo and number of stores, which we can share on the NBCC website to demonstrate you are a supporter of the scheme. That’s it, there is no cost to join!
No, the decision to do this is up to each business, although many do state their premises are a place of safety.
Operation Portum is open to all business, we believe that the principles apply to any sector, but let us know and we can adapt the guidance to reflect different situations.
No, but we’d love to hear examples of what you’ve seen so that we can encourage other businesses to join, and to ensure that the guidance continues to meet the needs of the business and the initiative.
