Crime Prevention
Anti-social behaviour
Many businesses suffer from the effects of anti-social behaviour but particularly it can impact small independent retailers. Small outlets in local communities can act as a hotspot for ASB causing mental, physical and financial harm to a business.

Crime Prevention
Anti-social behaviour
Many businesses suffer from the effects of anti-social behaviour but particularly it can impact small independent retailers. Small outlets in local communities can act as a hotspot for ASB causing mental, physical and financial harm to a business.
ASB takes many forms and includes a range of nuisance and criminal behaviours which cause distress to others, and we know through engagement that it is becoming an increasing issue.
It can also impact the customers of the business and local community because of the price in increased costs of goods, higher insurance premiums and potential loss of investment by businesses in the local area.
The NBCC has produced a range of resources to help businesses understand ASB and what tools are available to help them prevent and combat it.