Knife Retailer Toolkit
The Metropolitan Police Service, Mayor's Office for Police and Crime (MOPAC) and London Trading Standards have been working to produce a good practice guide for knife retailers in addition to collaborating on the training modules. Alongside this is a voluntary good practice agreement and resources to assist with training.These resources will be useful nationally although the supporting activities are only in London currently.
We want to eradicate illegal knife sales and reduce the number of dangerous weapons on our streets. Research has shown that far too many knives are being sold illegally - 160 illegal sales were made to children in London last year alone. These sales are often made by retailers who lack knowledge or confidence when it comes to selling age-restricted products. For these reasons, The Mayor’s Office for Police & Crime (MOPAC), the Metropolitan Police Service and Trading Standards have launched a good practice guide for knife retailers.
***Letter*** [to follow]
This letter, signed by Sophie Linden, the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, and Cressida Dick, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, introduces the Responsible Retailer Agreement and toolkit that have been designed to help business in London tackle violent crime.
What is included in this toolkit?
- Training modules on storage, assessing age, challenging and checking someone for I.D and when to call in the police
- Responsible Retailers Agreement
- Good practice guide
- Training record sheet
- Training checklist
- Posters (Customer and Staff areas)
- Stickers
Training Modules
This training package comprising of five modules, is designed for everyone involved in the sale or delivery of knives including managers, retail staff and delivery drivers. It aims to standardise training across all retail sectors by raising awareness, improving knowledge and understanding of how good product placement and additional security measures can prevent theft and illegal sales of knives.
Each module comprises of a short animation and knowledge check and takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Click here to access the training modules >>>
London Responsible Retailer Agreement
This Responsible Retailer Agreement has been produced for businesses who sell knifes in London. It has been designed in partnership with the Police, Trading Standards, MOPAC and businesses. It is applicable for all businesses (large national chains or small independents) across all retail sectors. MPS and Trading Standards officers will be conducting joint visits to businesses across London and encouraging them to sign up. Although this is a voluntary agreement businesses are urged to sign up and take positive action to help reduce the theft of knives and underage sales and help protect their community.
Responsible Retailer Agreement1.55 MB
Good Practice Guide
This good practice guide has been designed to help retailers store, display and sell knives responsibly. It is an ideal companion to the training animations and provides some additional detail for businesses. It also includes advice on CCTV, sharing intelligence and information on how to report incidents to the police. Follow the advice and protect your business.
Staff Training Record
We recommend staff training records are kept by businesses. If your business does not have a system in place to do this, please make use of the attached document. This record can be used to cover age restricted products and other training.
Staff Training Record382.59 KB
Training Checklist
This checklist can be used to document training on age restricted products. Employees should sign the checklist once they have received the training and this should be retained by the business. Training should be completed regularly. crime.
Posters (Public & Customer facing)
These posters have been designed to support businesses who sell knives. The posters can be displayed next to your display of knives to remind customers that they will be required to provide proof of age when purchasing knives if they appear under 25. The posters can also be displayed next to the till as an additional reminder to customers. Staff may find it useful to defer to the message on the poster when requesting ID or refusing a sale.
Public Facing Poster (A4)1.58 MB Small Public Facing Poster/Flyer (A5)1.50 MB
Internal posters for staff areas
This A4 poster can be displayed in staff areas to remind staff to follow the ASSESS/CHALLENGE/CHECK process. This three stage process is key to preventing underage sales and staff should be reminded of this at every opportunity. For further information on this process please view the training animations.
Internal Staff Poster (A4)1.54 MB
"U25?" Stickers
These stickers will be available as part of a pack distributed to London businesses. The stickers can be used on knife packaging to remind staff and customers that anybody trying to purchase a knife who appears under 25 will be required to provide proof of age.
For more information or to request a resource pack please contact the Metropolitan Police Service Business Crime Hub