Setting up a BCRP
The National Association of Business Crime Partnerships (NABCP) is the national representative body for Business Crime Reduction Partnerships in the UK, with focus on guidance and best practice for the industry.
The NABCP offers detailed advice on every aspect of setting up a BCRP and have provided a list as a starting point on the key elements of BCRP work.
They can play a role in supporting broader efforts to tackle offending behaviour such as Restorative Justice programmes, drug/alcohol abuse and dependency programmes, early-intervention programmes, and other social or community projects. This can help support and rehabilitate those who have committed offences but also help tackle some of the issues that might lead to offending behaviour.
A comprehensive guide on how to set up a BCRP has been developed which sets out what a BCRP should look like. Creating a formal BCRP will deliver exceptional results above and beyond other crime prevention and data sharing initiatives. The guidance covers the following:
- Clear Aims and Objectives
- Board of Management
- Insurance
- Radio Network
- Information Commissioners Office Registration
- Intel Database Software
- Staff
- Partnership Working
- Information Sharing Agreements
- Partnership Working Documentation
- Offender Management
- Accreditation to the BCRP National Standards
You can download a copy of the guide here by clicking the image below: