Surveillance Camera System (CCTV) Buyers Toolkit
If your organisation uses or is looking to buy a surveillance camera system, then you can get important advice and guidance from the Surveillance Camera Commissioner who's role it is to encourage compliance with the surveillance camera code of practice.
The commissioner’s website includes lots of useful information and links to further sources of advice about good practice in the use of surveillance camera systems.
As a buyer, you could have many different roles in an organisation, but there are a few things that you will all have in common:
- you want to feel that you have spent your money wisely
- you want your needs met now and for the life of your surveillance camera system
- you want a solution that solves a problem and may have less interest in the technology used
- you don’t want to be an expert in surveillance camera systems
- you want to hire a competent service provider and be able to hold them to account.
This Surveillance Camera System (CCTV) Buyers Toolkit will give you an overview of what you should be thinking about as you decide whether you need a surveillance camera system.
For larger organisations there is a more in depth guide in the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Passport to Compliance.
This guide is intended for anyone in any organisation up to and including small and medium sized enterprises buying a surveillance camera system who wants to maximise their chance of success (and minimise risk) by observing the principles of good practice.