Surveying Equipment Theft Prevention Advice
Theft of surveying equipment is a major problem for those in the industry, costing thousands of pounds each year and causing delays for companies. There are a number of steps you can take to reduce the chances of this theft occurring. Even a job located inside an enclosed building site can provide a false sense of security, so it is important to remain vigilant. Additional physical security advice can be found at www.securedbydesign.com
When travelling & working on site consider the following;
- Pay attention to your surroundings - is anyone paying attention to you, your vehicle or your business premises?
- Is there anyone paying undue attention to your job location?
- Make a note of vehicle registrations and/or person descriptions.
- Be careful when setting up on site. Try not to set up where a vehicle or moped can pull up and snatch the device.
- Keep an eye on your equipment at all times. If possible work with another colleague present.
- If you need to stop your vehicle on your travels, ensure someone stays with the vehicle or try to keep it under close observation.
- When you are on site, stay with your equipment at all times - preferably no more than a few steps away.
- Use a locking device to secure your equipment on site.
- When storing a device in your vehicle, ensure it is out of sight and securely fixed within the vehicle.
- Ensure the device is forensically marked or tagged and fitted with a GPS tracker
- Any device fitted with a GPS tracker or forensically marked should be clearly labelled to show this to act as a further deterrent to thieves
When storing your device consider the following;
- Devices should be locked in a standalone storage unit, within a secure room, on your premises. Standalone storage units should be to the standard of LPS 1175 SR2
- Alternately, secure with two points of locking to a Sold Secure Gold ground anchor and chain, within a secure room.
- Any secure room or store should be internal to the main building. Doors to the room should be to one of the following standards - LPS 1175 SR2 or STS 202 BR2. The walls around the storage must be robust & resistant to manual attack or damage.
- Install a CCTV system. For advice and approved suppliers of CCTV visit the National Security Inspectorate and the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board.