Safety and Security for Business – Middle East Tensions
The NBCC has been contacted by a number of businesses requesting guidance on safety and security due to the current heightened tensions caused by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
Concerns include a rise in hate crime and large scale protests impacting employees and businesses across the country.
To offer reassurance and for ease of reference, the team at the NBCC have compiled a range of open source advice and guidance on safety and security for businesses including terrorism awareness training, a guide to personal security and advice on personal safety at work.
Safety and Security for Business - NaCTSO, Home Office, Counter Terrorism useful guidance:
The free ACT e-Learning counter terrorism awareness course is available for employers and employees to complete. It is an e-learning course about the best practices to help counter terrorism and increase security awareness.
The Blue Book: A Guide to Personal Security | ProtectUK aims to provide a suite of advice options when implementing a personal security plan. This booklet will also signpost to other valuable sources of information and guidance.
Resources | ProtectUK - ProtectUK provides business and the public with counter terrorism support and guidance to effectively protect and prepare.
Reporting a crime
When a business has been the victim of a crime, or suspect they have been a victim of crime, it is essential that this is reported to the police.
The NBCC has comprehensive guidance on reporting a crime including videos which can be used to train employees. Reporting a Crime (nbcc.police.uk)
Reporting an emergency - Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger - How to report a Business Crime (nbcc.police.uk)
Reporting non-emergencies – you can Report crimes online or by calling 101 if they are not an emergency.
You can also call 101 to give information to the police or make an enquiry.
Personal Safety
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust has excellent guidance for lone working in every situation:
- Personal Safety at work | Suzy Lamplugh Trust
- www.suzylamplugh.org/personal-safety-at-home,
- www.suzylamplugh.org/personal-safety-and-law).
Please also see the Community Security Trust website for advice/guidance specifically for Jewish communities.
Protests and public events
At any large gathering there is the potential for a minority of people to use the event as an excuse to cause trouble. Occasionally, peaceful protests can escalate into violent and dangerous situations. Businesses may face increased risks during periods of public protests and social unrest, which can threaten employees, disrupt operations, and damage property.
The NBCC has developed a Safeguarding your business during public events.pdf (nbcc.police.uk) guide to help businesses prepare.
Employers and employees can find more information and guidance on the NBCC website about preventing crime and staying safe at work on the NBCC Website.